The oldest books of acupuncture describe two, mostly forgotten principles:
Li Gan Jian Ying.
Stand pole, see shadow.
It means, that each needle should cause an instant result, just like a pole in the sun instantly creates a shadow.
Only use sensitive areas.
Not understanding those two messages results in long therapies without any constant improvement.
While Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCM) only consists of a few lineages of chinese acupuncture, Dr. Tan managed to put six different lineages together. Studying of a lifetime made it possible to understand the deep connection those systems share and create an outstanding method with instant results.
What is Acupuncture, Meridian Channels, Energy?
Before the nerval system of our body was fully established, the cells needed to communicate with each other as well. For this reason a system was developed similar to the game „Whisper down the lane“, in which you tell your neighbor what you have heard right before. This is called cellcommunictaion. While the nerval systems of the body get prioritized in western medicine, this much older, simpler and less complex system still works. Acupuncture activates this cell communication to restore strong self healing abilities in the related areas.
Studies show, that fascia contains of two layers with pico-crystalls in-between, which induce an electric impulse activated by movement. Electricity always goes for smallest resistance and shortest distance. Due to this reason – although it can be measured on every part of the body – there are major pathways / channels – poorly translated as energetic meridians.