In an attempt to study medicinal cell cultures the french Dr. med. Alexis Carell showed in 1913, cells can survive endlessly without aging, as long as they get necessary nutritions and are cleaned of metabolic waste. This research was the start of medicinal transplantation, which allows to extract cells on one area of the body and place it to another one. Until today, there are lot’s of immortal cell cultures in each medical laboratory – held alive by the same procedure: Giving necessary nutritions, cleaning metabolic waste.
This fact aligns perfect with the ancient knowledge of other traditions.
As long as you eat healthy and detoxify on a regular base, your organism stays healthy, fit and strong.
Considering detoxification, ayurvedic medicine takes the big step, as it is mainly based on detoxification and rejuvenation itself.

There is a vast array of detox techniques to be found, although most of them set the intestines as priority:
- Fasting
- Yogic Intestinal Cleanse (Shanka Prakshalana)
- Intestinal Cleanse
- Rebuilding of Bacterial Flora
- Ayurvedic Pancha Karma
- Complete Detoxification
- pH- Level Balance / Acid – Base Balance
- Kidney Cleanse
- Liver Cleanse
- Gallbladder Cleanse
- Blood Cleanse
- Metabolism Change
- Spagyric Detoxification
- Parasite Cleanse