Most people have heard of feet – reflexology. It is interesting to know, that many more reflexology areas exist on our body.
Western Medicine:
- Dermatoms (Nerval caused skin correlations to spine segments)
- Head Zones (Nerval caused skin correlations to organs)
- Fascia Zones (Faszial area correlations to organs)
Although many of the reflexology areas known in Eastern Medicine can not be explained scientifically yet, it would be wrong to deny their effectiveness. The Eastern Medicine finds reflections of the body on the following areas:
- Feet
- Hands
- Ears
- Iris / Eye
- Tongue
- Teeth
- Head
- Face
- Abdomen
- Knee
In the ECIWO theorie (embryo contains information of whole organism) empiric studies show, that each bone and tissueof the body seems to contain a complete reflection of the body.
Scientific approved or not: Reflexology is a powerful part of massage therapy being able to effectively treat various problems and constitutions